Memoir Jumpstart Course

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44 Lessons

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Memoir Jumpstart Course

Premium course

Welcome to the Memoir Jumpstart Course. This module is all about setting your expectations, intentions and schedule to get the most out of it.

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Get honest about how you learn and write.

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Creating a sound working structure is a main key to finishing your book.

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Staying true to your commitment to write your book will require a deepened respect for the creative process.

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Finishing your book will require clarity and focus.

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Let's set the stage for this module

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Let's set the stage for this module

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Let's set the stage for this module

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Face your fear and conquer any doubts.

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Resource yourself so you can do the challenging work of speaking your truth.

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Own your fear so you can rise above it.

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Move through resistance to find your powerful inner author.

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Conquer your inner critic and harness its power.

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Set yourself for success and uniqueness in writing your memoir.

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Find your authentic author voice.

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Make your story juicy and connect to the reader beyond the timeline.

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Strike the right balance of truth-telling.

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Bring readers deep into your world.

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Time to digest and practice what we've learned thus far.

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Get ready for the module on structuring your memoir.

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Understand your main theme to build a solid memoir structure.

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Learn different examples of ways you can structure your memoir.

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Bring the past, present and future together seamlessly using these literary devices.

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Practice writing using your unique structure.

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Set yourself up to persevere through the challenges of writing your sometimes uncomfortable truth.

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Big emotions can come up while story-telling. Emotional regulation is key.

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Understand about mitigating retraumatization of self and not overloading your reader.

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How to protect yourself and others as your divulge information about people in your story.

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Take the reader behind the scenes of your writing process and forge an unbreakably transparent trust bond.

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Prepare yourself to get writing.

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Organize the main stories of your memoir.

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Understand the task at hand: write your first two chapters.

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Write your first two chapters.

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Digest what just took place and reflect on your writing.

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Get geared up to wrap up.

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Build on the strong foundation you have built in this book.

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Now to make sure you finish your book!

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Publishing and beyond!

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Video lesson

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About the teacher

Flow Belinsky - Creator of Memoir Jumpstart Course

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