Memoir Jumpstart Program

Structure your book and write it now.

I'm in! How can I sign up?

Write the book that is calling to you without wasting time or feeling confused.

Write with Confidence

Know what your book is about and what to include, even if you have never done it before.

Stay Accountable

Make real progress in your book without feeling overwhelmed or neglecting your responsibilities

Get Inspired

Feel energized and excited by your writing project, instead of feeling stressed and getting burnt out by it.

Make Real Progress

Create the foundation to finish your book, even if you feel stuck right now or don’t know where to start.

I'm ready.

Let's do this.

This is for you if you know it's time to write your memoir, BUT you...

  • Don’t know how to really get started or make significant progress.
  • Feel overwhelmed when you think about it.
  • Don’t understand how to fit it into your busy life.
  • Can't figure out the structure or how to organize it.
  • Don't know what to put in or leave out, or what it's really about.
  • Have trouble sticking to your goals or staying on track.
  • Feel confused, like you don't know how to put it all together.

And so you don't work it...

...or you stay confused.

...or you write things that feel like a waste of time.

...or you start and stop and feel like you're going nowhere.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Your Story Is Important

And your desire to write it a call from something bigger than yourself.

Because the truth is:

A memoir isn’t just about YOU. It’s about something greater, and your life story is an example of that.

The message you are called to bring to the world through sharing your story is vital for the evolution of others, and writing it is important for your own growth and empowerment as well.


When women prioritize their creative expression, write their stories and publish their books, it’s truly revolutionary. Women’s voices have been suppressed and erased for millennia.

This desire you have to write your story is so much more than just a whim.

But, I KNOW it can feel confusing and overwhelming.

There are so many stories to tell, so many lessons you’ve learned. You don’t know how they fit into your book, which ones to put in or leave out, or what this book is even actually about!

That’s why one of the first things we get clear on in the Memoir Jumpstart Program is what your book is truly about.

From there we:

  • get you a head start on writing
  • create the basis of your structure
  • help you learn how to make the time and prioritize your creativity (even within your busy life!)
  • Support you to move through fears and doubts that would otherwise keep you stuck
  • Give you real mastery of memoir writing style and your author voice
  • and get you to map out and write your book 10x faster than you would have on your own

When you leave this 3 month experience, you will be clear on your book structure, have a significant amount of your memoir written, and have a clear action plan and the developed skills to keep going and finish your book.

This is the moment for you to become and author.

So… you could spend the next few years dabbling in writing, feeling confused, stopping and starting, erasing and re-writing, thinking about it and talking about it but not actually doing it.


You can join the Memoir Jumpstart Program and set yourself up for success! Don’t waste time, don’t stay stuck, don’t let your familiar doubts or fears stop you, don’t give up!

This is a proven step-by-step process that will give you everything you need to start writing your book NOW and finish this year.

The Memoir Jumpstart Program is a unique blend of:

Step-by-step instructions and practices to help you make progress quickly and feel confident in what you are writing

Community support and accountability through an online forum so you can stay inspired and stick to your goals

Weekly live coaching calls so you can ask questions and stay on track

Holistic practices to move through fears and doubts that come up in the process

Bonuses Included:

Monthly Virtual Writing Retreat

Boost your creativity with embodiment practices and co-working time.

Anonymity & Safety Resource

Learn how to write about people you know while protecting their identities and your own.

Moving Through Writer's Block

Bust through creative stuck-ness using this highly effective process.

It's time to stop just thinking about it and actually write your book.

You CAN do it, and this program will help you create the foundation and the habits for success.

How to Join the 3 Month Memoir Jumpstart Program for Women

Schedule a 30 minute Memoir Clarity Call with Flow to share about your book project and learn more about how this program will help you achieve your goal of writing your book!

Want support RIGHT NOW to write your memoir? Join the Memoir Jumpstart for Women FB group.

Get weekly tips, clear advice and a supportive community on your memoir writing path.

Memoir Jumpstart for Women Facebook Group

Praise and Testimonials

“I really like the modules a lot because it's helping me to get even more clear. I’m not feeling like I have this idea with nowhere to go.”

Michelle P.

“It's been monumental, honestly, to really distill it down to the main message.”

Faegann H

"She doesn't just tell you a whole bunch of information and tell you to go do it like a lot of coaches do, she actually sits with you to co-create the finished product together. To me that was a breath of fresh air and so needed."

